Dizzy by default:

Well I have missed a few days of random thoughts, and many of you may have guessed that it was due to XMAS. That sad truth is I have been struggling with my little side kick called “Meniere's disease”. 

This little side-kick appears whenever he wants and sometimes stays as long as he wants. Over-time I have learned to adjust to his visits, and I knew he was in the neighborhood before Xmas. He came to visit that morning by showing around 6am up when I got up that morning.

Net is-- I sat up, swung my legs over the side, stood up. Thats when the world around me took a 360 spin, thus I sat back down on the edge of the bed. .I hoped he would leave, but 1 hour later, I was back in bed resting.

Normally when it hits that hard, I want to go to sleep, and if I fight it, I loose. So that day was a interesting day of being with Ruth and sleeping. We had planned at making a road trip to “JO JO's” but that was not in the cards.

Sorry Sis. Maybe next time.

Anyway, he is still hanging around and I have not made a full day of work yet. About noon to 1pm, he starts up again, and I head for home. IF I can get there in time, I normally will sleep for 1 or 2 hours and then I can function for the rest of the evening. I guess this is why retired guys take naps a lot when they retire.

Anyway this is not been fun since my 1st attack, and I wish it would go away.


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