Grandma and Grandpa where invited to another Xmas program
Grandma and Grandpa where invited to another Xmas program last night at the local MALL. Bryce has been taking piano lessons over the last few years and the program was to demonstrate their progress to all in the mall.
I have to admit that Bryce has come a long ways,with the power of his fingers racing along the keyboard, along with his drive to preform. He marched up there, dressed in a red shirt/with tie and dark slacks. He had the music sheets at his side as he took stage. He marched across the front of a crowd that I would estimate around 50 or 60 proud parents/grandparents/shoppers. He sat down and adjust the bench, the papers and then nodded to his teacher that he was ready.
From those little fingers the sound of Christmas music flowed so fluidly and quickly that he completed his session before anyone was ready to say, “nice looking boy there”.
I think speed was a key element for this recital. He stood up, turned towards the ramp and was off to get back to the safety of the family . At this time I am thinking to myself, was he prepared or what..
Kidding aside he played admirably and I was impressed with his attitude. One thing I will say about Bryce and that is he will focus on something and do it well. It is just his way.
While watching him play on-stage in a mall, I suddenly thought about Christmas at his age and when the Gordon family would go to St Ansgar REA building for Christmas parties. By stating Gordon family, I am talking Aunts/Uncles and such (large group.
For some reason all the elder Gordon family members, thought it was fun to place scared little kids in front of everyone and have them sing Xmas songs or do short skits. I was one of those scared little kids, dressed in a white shirt/tie and dark slacks. Mom made sure that we all looked proper when we attended those things. Nervously we would all get in front and stumble/mumble through our parts, only to be happy when done. We would then race off the stage to check out the tree and any gifts we may find. For some reason I remember bags of candy and peanuts only, so maybe gifts where not exchanged. Either that, or I was only getting nuts and candy and everyone else got gifts.
Here Bryce was, nervous and worried about making a mistake. Little did he know that this was a family trait passed down from generation to generation. His mother had to do it, his grandpa had to do it, so I am sure his children will have to do it. The joy in Xmas is to dress your children up and place them in an environment uncomfortable for them and say Preform.
Anyway congratulations Bryce, you did a fine job showing off your abilities. Keep it up.
And Bryce, if you want to blame anyone, blame Great-Grandma.