Intelligent Design

The paragraph below was taken from a news article located @ on Dec 20, 2005. This keeps me out of any legal issues I hope.
It states “THEORIES of "intelligent design" are based on unscientific, religious beliefs and cannot be taught as an alternative to Darwin's theory of evolution, a United States judge said yesterday in a landmark ruling.”
Now I ask you just what does that mean --“intelligent design.”
These 2 words tickled me for some reason. I could not understand what they had to do with schools, judges, or unscientific religious beliefs. I always thought intelligent design meant that when you build something and it didn't fall down, then it was an “Intelligent Design”.
Kidding aside, I do think that schools should stay away from teaching the religious side of life, much like churches should stay away from teaching the 3 R's. The logic behind it is very simple.
Unless you have 2 points of view on any topic, you have no view at all.
Take the Darwin theory. If you follow that line of thinking, you are willing to believe we evolved from what is deemed “lower life forms”. I could have stated “monkeys”, but for the “Intelligent ones” reading this, I wanted to use big words. You think this world of ours evolved over time, through the process of natural selection, and we came out on top.
If you think along the lines of “Religious belief”, then you believe that the world was created over 7 days, start to finish.
Plants were set down, grass carpeting was put in, and man was placed there to watch over it all. I mean 7 days, lets get real, It takes me longer to get a door to hang right in my house. The big guy did all this and only in 7 days. He didn't even have subcontractors available back then.
Ok, lets go back to the Darwin theory. If that process is true, then the process is still going on. I watched it working last night on the Animal channel.
Here was a guy stalking a male lion just to see how close he could get to it. Later they showed him floating belly down in a river, moving ever so close to a lion mother and her cubs. He was within 6 feet of the cubs, with the mother grunting at him to back off.
As I watched from the safety of the living room, I was think”DARWIN AWARDEE” If you eliminate the weak or the stupid, then the species overall is better off.
Now lets go back to the other thought process, which is religious belief.
If you leaning towards this one, then you believe in a process laid down before you and shared from generation to generation. If you follow the process backwards, then you will ultimately and automatically narrow your scope back to one. You believe those who have gone before you are waiting for you and they have left behind documented fragments of your history plus documented fragments of your future.
Net is, both sides of the argument are documented and well worth reading up on. One-side has more books then the other, but then one-side only needs one.
It is up to you which book to read, and on a cold winter night maybe you only need one.
Now lets see whats on the History channel tonight.