Santa will never hold a plumbers card!

I bet when you read this title, you are asking yourself this. Has he lost it totally.
Well guess what Santa gave me for XMAS.
Did Santa bring me a plumbers instruction kit for Xmas?
Did he attempt to wash the dishes after he ate my cookies with milk and did he plug the sink?
Or was it a simple question that Santa left behind in a note to me about a job needed?
The third option is in that he left a note looking for a second job. I guess with all that time on his hands now, and with the cost of heating going up, things must be getting tight, and I don't mean around the belt-line. I wouldn't want to pay his HEAT bill every year, that's for sure.
The first question was about a plumbers instruction kit and that is why I state, SANTA will never be a plumber. That kit was left for me this year, along with some wrenches and other support equipment. For some reason, this kit makes the lump of coal I received on Christmas day look good
What the deal is this. About 2 weeks or so a go, we awoke to water in the bathroom, but we could not figure out where it came from. We wiped it up, and watched for a few days and nothing happened. Of course I checked the pipes leading to the toilet, but found nothing.
Then Grandma noticed that the toilet would not refill fully each time, but we could not locate a problem. Now Christmas came and went with no issues and I was very thankfully of that. I was not feeling well Xmas day. But today, the toilet let it be known that it wanted new plumbing installed and that it wanted it today.
As it turned out, it was not a big deal. All that went wrong was the filler system decided to go bad and at times it would stick. I am guessing that it would run for a long period of time, and the back-tank would eventually sweat or overflow. This explains that sporadic water on the floor.
Now back to why todays title is such.
Well imagine Santa has just eaten all those cookies from all over the world and he is home now. Mrs Clause is baking more cookies to tide him over for the year. He has a glass of milk in his hand, and his privy decides to go on the fritz. Of course because the heating bills are so high, he has a small house and even a smaller bathroom.
Now close your eyes and imagine how this must look, Santa bent over a toilet, head down between that utilitarian device and the tub, wishing that he had an elf with him right now to assist in seeing where everything goes. He even has to take it all apart twice because he didn't take the time to read the instruction kit that is sent along with every Xmas gift like this. He is wishing that he was still on the road delivering toys and that this issue was someone elses.
After much twisting and turning, along with limited talking because I never says bad words, I was able to button things up and all is well. A few test flushes and I pack up my tools and move on. Things are good and the reading room is back on-line.
I wonder what Santa will being me next year for XMAS?
I received a nice email from Mary today, thanking me for publishing Moms poem. I have to give credit to our daughter as she had a copy. She emailed it to me Xmas day, And I thought how fitting to place it out for all to read on Xmas.
Mom loved to do those poems and I am guessing there where a lot of them. I'm not sure if there are any more out there, but this one was time perfect.
Thanks Sandy.