When is a cigar just a cigar:

Well you will be scratching your head after reading this one, but I had to laugh when this was stated just outside my office today. After chuckling, I agreed that he was right, That a cigar is just a cigar until someone states that it is not.
The topic at the time was a news article I had read at coffee about the movie that was at the theaters. We all know it and have seen the 1933 version many times over. If not, then read up at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0024216/
Back then it was a movie about an awesome god-like beast named Kong. He towered over the people, but would cradle Fay Wray in his hand and protect her. As a kid I watched with intent as I knew he was going to smash her or anyone who came around him. Finally he battled little planes on top of the tall building called the Empire State building where he meet his end.
Now I read in the paper's that I was wrong. Instead of a movie meant to entertain me, I am told the movie is about racism. I would never have guessed that when I watched the original.
I guess the movie has morphed into a show where Kong represent people who have been shackled all their lives or held down. Actors who needed a job in 1933 where made to act out as if they were crazed. White men were shown to be supreme hunters and could control all.
Funny how I missed that the 1st time.
I guess as a child, I just thought it was a movie about a big gorilla. Or as I stated at the beginning, “When is a Cigar a Cigar and when is a movie just a movie”
I guess I will watch closely when I go to see the new one.