Makes ya glad we don't have a great train system

Migrant workers in south China are wearing adult diapers on packed trains heading home for the Lunar New Year holiday because they have no access to a toilet, state media said Tuesday.
About 120 million peasants from China's vast rural areas swarm the cities for work and all try to make it home for the holiday, filling all standing room on trains and making access to the toilet impossible during trips often lasting 24 hours or more.
"During the peak travel period last year, some passengers even became deranged on their journeys because of the conditions and jumped out of the carriages," the China Daily said.
The Lunar New Year, which this year starts on January 29, is the biggest holiday in the Chinese-speaking world and family reunions prompt arguably the biggest movement of humanity on Earth.
Many supermarkets in southern Foshan had reported a 50 percent increase in sales of adult diapers for the train trips, the China Daily said in what some local commentators called the "shame of the nation." It did not mention other cities.
Domestic media said railways in China had transported 3.8 million people alone Monday, an all-time high.
I read the above notice today and when I finished, I leaned back and thought about this. Is this why WalMart is opening stores in China. Just think of all the diapers that they could sell to help out their “BOTTOM LINE”. Or better yet think of all the cleaning products they could sell at the “END of the RUN”. I guess their trains run well on the “Tracks”
We can chuckle all we want about things, but I am glad we live in this country. At least our trains run on steel tracks and not just tracks. Think about what it must smell like after a 24 hour run. What would it be like if some of them had the 24 hour runs? As the kids would say, PEE-YOU.