Owl Pellets

Watch an interesting show tonight about “Dirty Jobs” where a guy goes out with a camera crew and does the job for a day or two. Tonights job was Cutting Marble from an underground cave. Another was in Texas where a he checked cows to see if they were with calf, and the 3rd was a guy who went out into the country and collected OWL up-chucks.
Yes I typed it right. He collected OWL pellets after they had regurgitated their meal.
It seems that there is a market for this product. From what the guy stated, he would collect this pellet form abandon barns, take them home and dry them . He would wrap them up in tin foil, and then sell it all to schools and colleges. These training institutions would then use them in science classes so that the students could figure out what the animal use to be. Kinda makes you think this is where CSI ( the tv show) started out.
Man I was thinking of doing that for my retirement income and now I find out the job is taken. I guess I will have to mooooove on to Cow pregnancy inspector.