April fools day

Look what happens when your busy with other things. Marissa and Cassidy both painted their faces, but Cassidy removed hers before I found my camera. Of course Marissa is always willing to have her picture shot. Also note that she is missing a few teeth.
I have to tell you that we were busy on April 1st loading the playhouse. that meant no adult was paying any attention to all the grandchildren in the house. Soon we noticed that Mikes dog was running around outside with grandma's bra strapped to it. Then she found all her underwear was hanging from the ceiling. We found pictures hanging upside down, but the biggest thing was the spaghetti that they made.
Have you ever eaten GREEN spaghetti with red sauce. And to wash it down we had green milk. I tried to drink that stuff about 2 days later and I just couldn't. I took a sip and then just dumped the milk down the drain. Milk has to be white or brown.
It can't be green.
