Been a busy day

Mike had most of the day off today, so we worked at things that for the most part took 2 people.

One of course was going for breakfast. After that we picked up a new tube for the lawn mower as it was always going flat. He was able to get it installed and remounted without much of an issue. After that we used the mower and the new lawn fertilizer spreader to finish treating the lawn. Not a big job, but I do want to get ahead of a few of those dandelions. Things were going good until the little lever that controlled the amount of stuff to spread broke. You just have to love plastic parts.

After that we fixed his chain saw and started in on the old trees to the north of the house. Over the years some died and the others just turned out to be misshapen trees. We spent 2 or 3 hours doing this but he was able to down all the trees and then cut most of them up. We have a little more to do, but it was a good day. As he cut things into pieces, I loaded them onto the bucket and piled them up in an area were we can use them for camping. Next he was able to push and pile all the trimmings down by the barn so that when the wind is down, we will have a large bon-fire to enjoy.

Enough for now so take care.

Remember to enjoy the sunrise of the day.


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