On the road again

Another day has risen and both Ruth and I continue to make headway moving in. For the most part I have moved things around where she tells me as we are getting towards the end. She has decided to clean the dining/kitchen floor by hand. This is very hard work and she has been at it all day but it sure loooks good where it is done. We both agree that it looks like it hasn't been done for 16 or 17 years.

The blog will slow down again for a little as we will be off to FDL for the last time. House closing is this week, so we will leave on Tuesday to get the last stuff and do a final clean.

I know Ruth will clean the house as a final and the new lady of the house will clean it again when they move in. When I raise this as a point, I hear the her logic, but a guy would save one of those steps. My vote of course is not to clean the house going out, but my thoughts don't count.

So lets hold a vote. How many out there think that we should skip our step.


Anonymous said…
Any nice, kind, american family would leave the house in the best condition they could. Does not matter if the next owners clean. WHO raised me by the way? Sandy

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