Doctors orders

Hi all:

Busy day today as I had so many things to do.

I finally woke up around 8am, so I headed off for coffee. By the time I finally got dressed and out of the house to my coffee abode, it was around 9:15am. There I ordered a coffee, grabbed what was left of the paper and settled in. After a sip or two, I took the time to notice that the coffee shop was fuller then normal. In fact I should have noticed that all the handycap spaces were taken. So I leaned back and thought why would 9:15 be busy at Hardees. After over-hearing a few conversation I came to this conclusion.

What I had walked in on and sat down amongst was the exchanging of doctors information. It became clear that there were 2 groups of elderly people sitting all over the coffee shop. The 1st group would be people who had been to the doctor--say from 7:30am till 9:00am. These people then came to Hardees to meet with the 9:30am-11:30am group who would be heading off to see their doctor. This means there was only had 30 minutes to exchange illness information with the second group so they could prepare for their doctors.

Now I know a few of you are thinking I am off my rocker, but it was true. The amount of medical advice being exchanged was overwhelming. Then tonight on the national news, they talked about rising health cost and I came up with this idea. We move all the doctors offices to fast food places. That way the older generation can sit and have their coffee, exchange ailments, and visit their doctor all at one place. And if a doctor is really stumped on a tough problem, all he would have to do is stick his head out his door and ask in a loud, but clear voice, "HAS ANYONE SEEN THIS BEFORE". I am sure someone in the group would have had it personally or at least a close relative.

As a side benefit, these people would not be burning up all that fuel to get to the doctors. According to the goverment, this group of people will be or is the largest group, so if we go ahead with my idea, I figure we will save enough gas,that the price of fuel would be down by 50%.

Well enough for today. Enjoy.


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