Mothers day writing
A few weeks ago I sat with my son and granddaughter outside a surgery at the hospital. Several other people were also in the waiting room, waiting for news of their loved ones. As I set there saying a silent prayer for Ruth's successful surgery, I thought of a phrase I had read recently, "The Arms of Love". What better place then in a hospital to show how it works. The doctors and nurses in the surgery working over a patient to save a life, the nurses on the floor ministering to the patients. Oh, yes, they get paid, but in many ways they show their love.
Years ago when the doctor told me our little Joanne would not live long because she was a blue baby, I was very despondent. On Valentines day a. little elderly lady that was a nurse's Aid came in my room that morning with the breakfast trays. On mine was a crocheted basket with hearts in it. She had set up the night before making that for me. "Arms of Love" at work. We wrote to each other at Christmas time. One year I didn't hear from her. In March I received a note from her daughter. She was going through her mother's things and found my letter. Her mother had passed away from cancer.
How many of you have lost a loved one or had a tragedy happen in your family? Almost at once, friends and neighbors arrive with food and words of sympathy. "Arms of Love" are helping you carry on. I remember a few days after Kevin's funeral, I was washing and a dear friend drove in, insisting I go home with her for dinner. I told her I couldn't for I had such a big washing, but she went to work hanging up clothes, while I finished the loads and emptied the water. I don't remember what we had for dinner except the chocolate pudding was so good. "Arms of Love" in action.
We meet at Aide and Circles to study God's Word, and feel God's "Arms of Love” around us. A farmer has an accident or someone has a serious accident. Neighbors gather to get the crop in or out or have a benefit to help the hospital bill. ”Arms of Love"
Recently my granddaughter called me after her first day of school. She was so excited, "Grandma. I sent to school all day today." A week later, she called again to tell me she had, lost a tooth in school. Those were two big experiences in her young life and she wanted to share with me. Your son calls from California or your daughter calls from Indianapolis to ask "How are you doing?" "Arms of Love" over the miles.
Not only in your own family are you shown “Arms of Love." Today look back and try to remember how many times you have received or shown "Arms of Love" to someone. Recently the Grafton Share Center has shown their love by opening their shop to help those in need. The stress centers are helping those in need in this troubled world. Senior~Citizens get together for meals and entertainment. Loving people come and entertain them or entertain patients at. retirement homes. I could go on an on but it. is up to us to show our "Arms of Love."
Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, wrap us in your "Arms of Love" as we meet here today. May we learn from our speaker today and show our "Arms of Love" in our daily life. Be with those in hospitals and retirement homes. As you have shown your "Arms of Love" to us, may we show "Arms of Love" to others.
This was a devotional written by Rosamond Gordon for the October Ladies Aid, Deer Creek Lutheran Church.
Also read as a thank you to friends,and relatives at her funeral, 05/01/87