Things are starting to slow.

Well guys I'm back.
It has been a little hectic around here, but we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Of course that could be a train coming and that may be OK also. We still have the trailer parked in our driveway as we have no place to put the stuff. I'm sure Ruth will find a place for it all, but I have informed her that it stays put until there is a spot for it. NO way am I going to move a couch just to move it.
Other things that have been keeping us busy is getting all the phones redone after we lost all service. It took a day or so, but I think we yanked on a wire somewhere and service stopped. After I fixed the problem, guess what the first call was. Yep--- A sales call of some type. Sure glad I fixed the phone.
Other then that I have been busy with the lawn and other outside stuff. I do enjoy mowing the lawn and doing the other stuff that goes with it.
On a silly note, I can tell you that Ruth can yell loud enough that I can hear her over the lawn mower. SHe was picking up small rocks yesterday that were around some small plants. She had most of them done when she grasped one and it moved/squished in her hand. Over the roar of the lawn mower and my bad hearing combined, I still heard her scream. Did you know Toads could fly about 20 feet when handled by Ruth.