Can I have gun control also

 I read with interest today that the TEXAS governor "Rick Perry" has proposed that his state supply Internet controlled video cameras" staged along the Texas border. The concept is, that we would then have a virtual neighborhood watch system in place where a person sitting in their living room somewhere in Indianna could be watching. If they see some action like people sneaking across the border from Mexico, then that person would call a "800" number and inform the locals what they just saw.

I like that idea. Just think of it this way.

We have thousands of people surfing the net looking for something to view. They either are reading the news, playing poker, or worse yet they are watching porn. If we had all these people from the porn group focus on illegal immigrants sneaking across borders, then the crime rate within our borders would go down. In fact we would only need the poker players as backup viewers in case a member of the porn group slips and goes to jail. then they would step up to the plate, stop tossing their money down a virtual hole and become a productive citizen of these here United States.

The more I think about this, the more I like it. I back the Texas governor 100 percent on "tossing good tax dollars at a problem" and hope that the people will step up and assist him. With more then
1,600 kilometers shared between the 2 countries, that will be a lot of work to be done. In fact there is so much work, maybe we can get the porn creators to move their operation to the Mexican border, so we can catch everyone with the same cameras.

By now you may have figured out that I consider this a stupid idea. Its stupid to think that people will sit and watch a small area of "Texas nothing" in hopes of spotting some movement.  It would be boring and it would be a waste of tax dollars.  Now if you added a high-powered rifle to the mix and allow the viewer to pop of a round or two from their living room.  That may be the way to keep interest levels up.



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