I am beginning to think I live at a race track and am in training to become a NASCAR driving instructor. The reason for this is we have a golf cart and the youngest granddaughter has made it her mission to show me every blade of grass on 20 acres of grass.
All the other grandchildren have enjoyed taking the cart for a cruise. They all do it without much fan fare and grounding from it has only happened twice that I am aware of. Grandma is the pit boss so there may have been more pit stops and driver restrictions applied then I am aware of. But in the case of the youngest, I have the honor of being here co-driver
Now MOM don't get all up in arms about the danger. I have only had to pull my legs inside once, when I thought the woven wired fence was about to shave hide off my leg. I corrected the steering direction that time and we have been going at a slow, but steady pace ever since. This is why I state that I have seen every blade of grass on all the neighbors yard. Because she delays a little in her efforts to drive straight, we go from one side of the service driveway to the other. We do this at a speed just below 2 miles per hours.
When I am getting tired of all this and want to go park somewhere, she will look up at me a smile. All I see is a grin that is missing 2 or 3 teeth and a tinkle in her eyes. I shrug my shoulders and off we go for another mile or 2 around the neighborhood.
IN fact she is standing next to me right now, waiting for me to say “LETS GO”. I guess that is what grandpa's are for.