Never turn your back on a vacuum!

I have a story for you today. I found a new way to upset the wife. As some of you are aware we are redoing the bathroom with all new stuff. The pink tub and stuff just had to go away. The new tub is installed and hidden under the tarp.
Anyway today I started in on the drywall and I noticed that some old demo cleanup not been done. So I yelled out the window and asked Ruth to bring me the wet/dry vac from the shop. I could then suck up all the junk in the corners and where the broom would not go. I plugged everything in, got down on my knees and reached around behind me and turned it on.
This is were it got interesting.
I am down sucking up dust and doing a fine job I might say ,when Ruth comes and hollers at me to stop. As I turn around I noticed a volcano called “MOUNT SAINT VAC” was blowing all the drywall dust up towards the sky and out into the living room. Lucky for me the vac was running and I have lousy hearing as I think she was yelling that I was doing a good job. Anyway I shut down the system, waited for the air to clear and also for someone to cool down. Thats when I found out she was not commending me about a fine job, but that she had just dusted the house yesterday.
So I packed everything up and took it back outside as I didn't think it wise to try this again. Once outside, I opened the unit to see what was wrong and I found the problem right away. There was “NO FILTER” bag in the unit. Needless to say I stayed outside for awhile and let the dust settle so to speak.
I sure hope tomorrow goes better.