Am I all wet or have I figured out a world problem.

I was having breakfast this morning along with reading the paper. This is my normal routine as I have not picked up a large group of followers yet to share my wisdom .
Anyway as I flipped thru the paper reading different topics, I read one article were WATER will become the number one issue for the world soon.
I believe this as I have been talking about it for years. When we lived in Wisconsin some towns to the north of us were preparing to get water rights so they could pump water from lake Michigan. I thought this was wild because they all were close to a very large freshwater lake plus they had wells . They already had access to water, but they foresaw the future and they want to insure they had water. To accomplish this they are going to pump water from Lake Michigan over 60 miles, purify it and use it as fresh water. I don't remember what the estimated cost was projected to be but it was high. Net is, people with fresh water around them are concerned that they will run out of water soon.
As I read the article they noted that women in India are fighting and getting scarred only because they are getting water at a community well. Net is they are willing to “FIGHT for WATER” and are getting knifed because of it.
Also awhile back there was an article were the tall tall mountains around the world are loosing their snow-cap faster then it has ever happened before. This means that people who need water supplied by the snow melt-off will soon have to go looking somewhere else. The snow will not be there slowly melting and trickling into there water supply. “To bad-- Las Vegas or LA”
The third issue is of course water irrigation systems and municipalities are pumping water out of the ground. We as people have devised ways to get water wherever it may be. We are pumping more water out of the ground now then can be replenished. So down the road even I may be forced to go looking for water.
Anyway as I read about the women who had to fight over water, I hit on this idea that would kill two issues at once and it includes the oil rigs in the ocean. Yep it includes OIL.
I was watching the history channel about oil rigs located all over the ocean. The cost to build them and manage them is astronomical. They pump all this oil out of the ground and ship it to shore. Because of a safety issue, most of the oil rigs just “flair/burn off” any natural gas as it is not cost effective for them to work with it. Again they are just burning it off into the air. Nothing is gained as it is not used.
Ok So now you are wondering how burned off natural gas in oil rigs and water issues are linked! Well I propose that we modify/add to each oil rig a giant tea pot.
Yes I said TEA POT!
This tea pot will sit/float at sea level. A small pump would constantly ensure the tea pot had water. Then the gas that is just burned off is rerouted so that it heats the water in the tea pot. The water would steam out the vents and drift off into the air.
This system would sit out there perking away, converting unusable salt water to usable fresh water. The steam would drift away into the air and would turn into clouds. The clouds would drift over land and drop the steam as rain, filling the aquifers and lakes. The rain would turn to snow over the mountains and recap the mountains. This means that women in India would soon stop fighting over water. And this would all be done by mother nature with no $$ spent to move it around.
Now you say this doesn't make sense, as the oil company are not charging for this. Thats OK because they are making enough money anyway and this would be a great PR project for them. Plus it doesn't cost them a nickel except for the steel to make the tea pot.
Ain't this a great IDEA?
I think I will sit back now and drink a little India green tea and work on my next brilliant idea. Never can tell, I may be able to figure a way to get the troops home soon.