Corn in Iowa is being harvested by Martians!

Remember the show called “My Favorite Martian” starring Ray Walston and Bill Bixby It ran from September 29, 1963 to September 4, 1966. It was a cute show and I do remember watching it from time to time. But then I moved on and never thought about Martians again until this fall.
Fall arrived and harvesting began as normal, I thought!
Then I noticed something weird. I never saw combines or tractors/wagons rolling across the country-side during the day like years before.
Yet in the morning when I rolled into town for coffee another field was stripped of its crop. At first I didn't think anything of it as I had been busy, but as soybean fields became barren, I notice corn fields were being attacked the same way. No tractors, no wagons, no combines.
Then late one night last week, I saw what was going on. Martians are using the cover of darkness and are harvesting all the crops. I know they are Martians, because they fly huge green machines over the fields. As they fly across the fields the grain disappears into the ship.
They used high powered lights to see what they are doing. It's spooky to watch these lights floating across the fields. They know what they are doing as nothing is left standing once they leave. Crops missing and at times the fields are left dug up as if they wanted us to supply them a crop next year.
Now you ask how do I know Martians are doing this? Its because all previous information about Martians mention that they are GREEN. So after watching these floating Green machines harvesting the crops I decided to get a closer look. I got into my truck and drove along a country road were they were attempting to make off with another field of grain.
As I slowly pulled up, I noticed the pilot of this massive space ship wore a Green shirt. He saw me and grinned, so I waiting thinking that he was friendly. Maybe I could interface with him!
Then I noticed another machine pulling up closer to me with another pilot. He too was helping in harvesting the grain as it appeared he hauled the grain away from the bigger flying ship. This pilot also wore a Green shirt. I figured this was some kind of uniform that crew members had to wear.
Both pilots disembarked from their machines and walked towards me. It was then that I noticed something strange about their culture. I'm guessing that pilots of Martian machines must be named the same as the machines they operate. This is because both of them had their names stenciled on their Green shirts much like auto-mechanics here on earth. You see auto-mechanics have BOB stenciled on their work shirts so they know who they are at the end of the day.
As the Martians walked towards me grinning and waving, I noticed both were named John Deere.
The same name was stenciled across their machines. This must be how they identify what machine they have to operate that night.
Now you know.