Has this country turned upside down?

I state this because today there was an article where University of Wisconsin has informed a small school in Iowa to stop using the letter “W”. Yep you read it right, Wisconsin Legals feel they own the letter and they want everyone else to stop using it.
Normally I don't worry to much about this, but this one is silly. I mean we have a large university versus a small high-school. Are they afraid that someday the 2 will play each other in a ballgame and no-one attending will be able to tell them apart. Are they afraid the news/sport writers will become confused when they report results as to who won. I think not.
Anyway with all the problems schools have with funding now, this poor little Iowa high school must change it's logo and possibly create a new mascot. Simply because Wisconsin feels they own the letter “W”. This cost is not something that any school should be forced into. It takes $$ away from true funding of the children.
Of course I do have a simple solution that would benefit both sides. If we ever have a time where the University of Wisconsin should play this little school in Iowa, we could have all the Wisconsinites sit on one side of the play field were the school logo would be upside down to them. This way they would see a “M” rather then a “W”. With the kind of mentality that is pushing on this topic, I doubt they would catch on.
As a foot note to keeping me out of trouble, I decided to retype the above document without using the copyrighted letter. Go ahead and read it if you want, cause next week I am going to copyright the letter “A”.
See Below:::
I state this because today there as an article here University of isconsin has informed a small school in Ioa to stop using the letter “”. Yep you read it right, isconsin Legals feel they on the letter and they ant everyone else to stop using it.
Normally I don't orry to much about this, but this one is silly. I mean e have a large university versus a small high-school. Are they afraid that someday the 2 ill play each other in a ballgame and no-one attending ill be able to tell them apart. Are they afraid the nes/sport riters ill become confused hen they report results as to ho on. I think not.
Anyay ith all the problems schools have ith funding no, this poor little Ioa high school must change it's logo and possibly create a ne mascot. Simply because isconsin feels they on the letter “”. This cost is not something that any school should be forced into. It takes $$ aay from true funding of the children.
Of course I do have a simple solution that ould benefit both sides. If e ever have a time here the University of isconsin should play this little school in Ioa, e could have all the isconsinites sit on one side of the play field ere the school logo ould be upside don to them. This ay they ould see a “M” rather then a “”. ith the kind of mentality that is pushing on this topic, I doubt they ould catch on.
As a foot note to keeping me out of trouble, I decided to retype the above document ithout using the copyrighted letter. Go ahead and read it if you ant, cause next eek I am going to copyright the letter “A”.
I think you have ay to much time on your hands. (especially the ater article), Keep it up, it is very entertaining, and I just hate it hen you don't come up ith something ne.