How to stop North Korea from building another bomb
Yep I did it in my spare time too. You would think that all those dudes we hire and send to Washington would have figured out this one. I mean, we vote them in based on their ability to fix things. Yet this one little country has been able to thumb its nose at the world and build a device that could ruin the need to fix water issues in India. And all it would take is everyone to start using credit cards for any purchase they make.
As your scratching your heads and wondering were this is going, keep in mind that I have solid logic behind this. I mean I had to drink 2 cups of coffee before I arrived to this solution plus I had to clean a spot off my coat during the whole analysis. ( But that spot story is just another story and I will not go into it at this time)
OK Hang on as here we go. Be sure you fully understand my logic so tomorrow you can take all your cash back to the bank and never use “green backs” again.
It appears that North Korea has become the number one country to make money. Now your thinking SO WHAT!. Well I am here to tell you it is not North Korean money that they are making. Instead they are making US dollars and lots of them. I guess they have underground bunkers were they have set up printing system that can replicate US currency real good.
They are laundering this fake money in hopes of disrupting the economy, plus they use it to buy things like uranium or what ever it takes to build a bomb. This also allows them to purchase the necessary insider information required to build these things.
So as I was into my second cup of java, it hit me. If all the people in the US used plastic cards for all purchases, then banks would not have to have “Green Backs”. All the stores would not have to worry about their night manager skimming off the top also. This would stop the printing of fake green backs in their tracks and then North Korea would not be able to finance their building of the bomb.
Now ain't that a great IDEA. Start tomorrow everyone and purchase your next Egg Muffin with plastic. You may be saving a life other then your own. ( cause the muffin you just eat may kill ya!)
I'm on to the next global problem. See ya later