Jesus needs a lawyer

Today I was doing my normal routine of going to town early to read the paper. On the way I was slowed down by heavy traffic, but I didn't pay much attention to it. As we moved along, I was thinking about what I would type up today but nothing was coming to mind. As we got closer to were I was heading, I looked up and found out what was hold/creating all the backup issues.
In front of me was a huge earth mover rolling down the highway. I had to chuckle because I must have really been in deep thought not to see this in front of me. When I lived in Wisconsin, I use to have to watch out for manure spreaders on 4 lane highways and in Iowa I guess you have to watch out for earth-movers rolling thru town.
Anyway as I was enjoy my coffee and reading the state paper, I had to chuckle at an article about the Catholic church that claims they were forced into bankruptcy because of a few men. These men had been abused by the priest when they were young and now they have sued the church.
So the church now is forced to protect to itself by declaring bankruptcy. This places the control of church assets into the hands of the legal system. This way the church can go back to doing what it does best, and not worry about the lawsuit. I understand why they did this and am not judging it. This is why we have so many lawyers and they all need a job deciding who gets what and when.
What I don't understand is why the “CHURCH” allowed this issue to go on for so long and with so many children/young people. It also reminding me of a conversion I had with school mates years and years ago. The conversation was why “Priest” are not allowed to marry. To me it didn't make sense having this restriction and I kidded them about it.
That's when one of the schoolmates stated that it was because a priest was married to God and only God. I guess we are find out now that they may be married to God, but a marriage of man and women should be an option also. Just to many churches have been hiding this sad sad fact for to long Lets hope that it all will be soon behind them all.