Drugs, Convicts and Head-lice!
The heading today points to 2 things actually and I raise them up only in case you missed them in your local paper.
Today in the local paper an article documented that some states give death-row convicts sedative drugs just before they are done in. Boy that sure is nice! Lets make sure they are not overcome by their fears of going to their maker. I just chuckled at this only because it is ironic. These people are there because they have done something cruel and inhuman, yet we as a society want them to be comfortable. I guess this ranks right up with making sure they use a clean needle.
On the topic of head-lice. They have uncovered a new way of getting rid of head-lice. It seems that a researcher moved to Utah and found out he could not keep the chicken lice alive. Not sure why anyone would want to study chicken lice, but there had to be government money involved. Anyway the researcher found he had to raise the level of humidity in his lab or the lice died.
Then a light bulb went on and he thought about his kids and head-lice. He built a heater system that blew warm air across the head and after this treatment the lice would die off. They are claiming excellent kill rates.
So this means only one thing. All you women out there need to go to your closets and pull out those old hair dryers that have set dormant for years. You thought you were drying your hair back then aand all you really were doing was killing head-lice.
Gives ya a warm and fussy feeling right.