A family that shares it all:
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving day with family. I know we sure did. In fact we traveled 5 hours for this adventure.
To start this story, I tell you that we arrived at our daughters home to find one sick little grandson. He did great us, but was soon in bed and we knew he was not coming back out. In fact we knew he was real sick when his favorite food was taken to him and he upchucked that back into a bowl near by. His favorite food is pizza, so it was hard to determine if he had digested it or not.
The next day was Wednesday, and he continued to stay in bed a sleep it off. I found out later that about 30% of the school was out because of the flu. Needless to say everyone continued on with plans and made ready for Thanksgiving day. Grandma made her lefsa, so she had fulfilled all request made of her when we first arrived.
Mike and his daughter arrived later on Wednesday so we were all set to celebrate the festivities. OF course on of the issues at hand now was to find a sleeping place fro everyone and to assign time slots to bathroom facilities as they only have the one bathroom. This small little detail does become a focus point later in the week.
Thursday arrives and Bryce is back on his feet much to everyones surprise. Of course how good he pass up not playing with the others on a holiday. As the day moves along everthing appears to be on track until I hear them talking that “Just maybe they should have but the turkey in earlier”. OF course I didn't think to much about this as I sometime don't hear things correctly.
Time marches on and it is time to gather everyone around for supper and give thanks. My job as assigned is to carve the turkey. I have done this just about every year so you could say I have become a pro. I round up the right tools, and start in. Thats when I knew family traits are carried on.
I went to cut the thigh away from the bird and found it was still pretty much raw. I turned to everyone and said this thing has got to go back into the oven for an hour or two. Of course there was quick discussion about this as all the other food was ready. So it was decided to cut the bird up and microwave it to completeness. So I turned back to my job of carving and started to carve the bird. Thats when a second warning popped up, or should I say popped out.
I noticed something move that normally doesn't so I jabbed at it. What I FOUND was the neck to the bird. It had been left inside the bird and was raw. Thats when I had vision of illness in my head.
Needless to say we all laughed about it and continued on with cutting and microwaving. We all enjoyed the meal and trust me a lot of jabs were tossed at the hostess for leaving the neck inside the bird.
Later that night we all retired for the day with visions of roast turkey still in our heads. Or at least I thought we had retired for the night.
Along about 3 am, I was awaken by a commotion right outside the bedroom door. The bathroom was right across the hall from where grandma and I where sleeping. As I opened my second eye and started to focus on the commotion, I suddenly had this little hiccup that said “DON”T MOVE or I will embarrass you”.
Anyway what I saw in the bathroom was daughter, mother, grandmother all in the bathroom using the facilities to their fullest extend. In fact the place was so busy grandma had found some kind of container and was walking around with it in case she needed it. Our little granddaughter was at the sink with dry-heaves, and mom was using the toilet.
As I lay there in bed, leaning on one elbow, all I could think of was this faze.
A family that does things together, stays together.
I know we're all busy this time of year, so I'm passing along a great tip for making your Thanksgiving Turkey the best tasting and most attractive ever. Since Thanksgiving Day is my favorite day of the year, I'm looking forward to trying this!
Heat oven to 350 degrees
Rub butter or oil over the skin of the chicken/turkey until it is completely coated.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper and any other seasonings you prefer.
Take a knife and gently separate the skin from the breast meat;
Slide 1 large lemon half under the skin of each breast with the peel side up.
Cover and bake for 30-45 minutes. Remove cover and continue to roast until juices run clear, basting every 15-20 minutes.
If you've followed these steps correctly, your turkey should look like the one in the picture attached.

Bon Appetit!
To start this story, I tell you that we arrived at our daughters home to find one sick little grandson. He did great us, but was soon in bed and we knew he was not coming back out. In fact we knew he was real sick when his favorite food was taken to him and he upchucked that back into a bowl near by. His favorite food is pizza, so it was hard to determine if he had digested it or not.
The next day was Wednesday, and he continued to stay in bed a sleep it off. I found out later that about 30% of the school was out because of the flu. Needless to say everyone continued on with plans and made ready for Thanksgiving day. Grandma made her lefsa, so she had fulfilled all request made of her when we first arrived.
Mike and his daughter arrived later on Wednesday so we were all set to celebrate the festivities. OF course on of the issues at hand now was to find a sleeping place fro everyone and to assign time slots to bathroom facilities as they only have the one bathroom. This small little detail does become a focus point later in the week.
Thursday arrives and Bryce is back on his feet much to everyones surprise. Of course how good he pass up not playing with the others on a holiday. As the day moves along everthing appears to be on track until I hear them talking that “Just maybe they should have but the turkey in earlier”. OF course I didn't think to much about this as I sometime don't hear things correctly.
Time marches on and it is time to gather everyone around for supper and give thanks. My job as assigned is to carve the turkey. I have done this just about every year so you could say I have become a pro. I round up the right tools, and start in. Thats when I knew family traits are carried on.
I went to cut the thigh away from the bird and found it was still pretty much raw. I turned to everyone and said this thing has got to go back into the oven for an hour or two. Of course there was quick discussion about this as all the other food was ready. So it was decided to cut the bird up and microwave it to completeness. So I turned back to my job of carving and started to carve the bird. Thats when a second warning popped up, or should I say popped out.
I noticed something move that normally doesn't so I jabbed at it. What I FOUND was the neck to the bird. It had been left inside the bird and was raw. Thats when I had vision of illness in my head.
Needless to say we all laughed about it and continued on with cutting and microwaving. We all enjoyed the meal and trust me a lot of jabs were tossed at the hostess for leaving the neck inside the bird.
Later that night we all retired for the day with visions of roast turkey still in our heads. Or at least I thought we had retired for the night.
Along about 3 am, I was awaken by a commotion right outside the bedroom door. The bathroom was right across the hall from where grandma and I where sleeping. As I opened my second eye and started to focus on the commotion, I suddenly had this little hiccup that said “DON”T MOVE or I will embarrass you”.
Anyway what I saw in the bathroom was daughter, mother, grandmother all in the bathroom using the facilities to their fullest extend. In fact the place was so busy grandma had found some kind of container and was walking around with it in case she needed it. Our little granddaughter was at the sink with dry-heaves, and mom was using the toilet.
As I lay there in bed, leaning on one elbow, all I could think of was this faze.
A family that does things together, stays together.
I know we're all busy this time of year, so I'm passing along a great tip for making your Thanksgiving Turkey the best tasting and most attractive ever. Since Thanksgiving Day is my favorite day of the year, I'm looking forward to trying this!
Heat oven to 350 degrees
Rub butter or oil over the skin of the chicken/turkey until it is completely coated.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper and any other seasonings you prefer.
Take a knife and gently separate the skin from the breast meat;
Slide 1 large lemon half under the skin of each breast with the peel side up.
Cover and bake for 30-45 minutes. Remove cover and continue to roast until juices run clear, basting every 15-20 minutes.
If you've followed these steps correctly, your turkey should look like the one in the picture attached.

Bon Appetit!