Some day's technology just gets in the way!

Hey guys it snowed and it drives people crazy. Or is it that crazy people drive when it snows.
I saw a demonstration of this on Friday when we received about 3 inches of snow. I got up in the morning and was doing my normal thing and then I decided that I would take a package to the post-office and also get a cup of coffee. It was kinda fun watching everyone come into the shop and stomp their feet. Then they would all state that it sure is snowing outside. “Like the rest of us hadn't noticed.” IN fact the radio stated that at times we would see micro-burst of snow at a rate of 3 to 5 inches per hour. Trust me – At times it was coming down at that rate. After reading the paper, drinking my coffee, I departed to mail that package.
After that I decided to head for home as it was beginning to get nasty and the crazy ones were starting to show their smarts. People would hit their brakes at the last moment and slide right up to the stop sign or past. Some thought if they took their hands off the wheel and hold it around their chins, their car would slide to a stop faster. I never understood that one, but I saw it twice.
Next I watched a big brown truck that could not get away from the curb. The more he tried, the more he spun sideways and the closer he slide towards a parked pickup. When I finally got around him he was within inches of bumping the truck. If I had a chain with me, I would have pulled him away, but that was not in the cards.
As I headed for home, I finally got to the last set of lights and no cars had hit me yet. But the lights would not change for me. I found out the next day that those lights work along with a camera and I guess it was snowing so hard the camera was not picking up and cars/trucks sitting there. After the 3rd or 4th cycle the lights finally changed and I headed for home very slowly. Hoping all the way that no nut was going to do something stupid.
Anyway my title today is based on Google's “ad service”. I was reading a news article about a deer which had it's head stuck in a Halloween pumpkin bucket. The deer was spotted a few days ago, yet no-one has been able to get close to it and get the pumpkin off his head. Over the weekend a bucket was found in someone's yard and it had deer hair in it so they feel he is OK.
Thats when I noticed the Google ads. One for plastic buckets/pails and the other was for Deer Hunting Ringtones.
What does Deer Hunting Ringtones sound like?
Remember this for tomorrow:
— General Omar Bradley