They don’t have them all locked up yet.
Went and read the paper today and once again the people in this world have proven that most should be locked up. All of these happened in Milwaukee so it does explain some of the stupidity
Number one:
Guy was pulled over by the local police and he did stop 2 times only to pull away slowly. Finally they got the guy stopped and once the officer had the area secured he asked the following questions.
Sir have you been drinking?
Yes officer I have had a few.
Sir, when did you start drinking?
About 2 hours ago.
Sir, when did you stop drinking?
When you pulled me over.
He was taken to jail.
Number two:
If you haven’t heard, Nigeria is host to the biggest money scam operation in the world. Anyway a person went a purchased a puppy online to be told that the kind of dog she wanted were gone, but they knew of puppies located in Nigeria being sold by some priest.
She thanked the person for being helpful and contacted a priest in Nigeria as instructed. She then wired money to the priest to secure a puppy and pay for the shipping. When the puppy didn’t arrive she contacted the priest again only to be told that the puppy died in a plane crash and no more puppies would be coming. She contacted the local police only to be told that she could kiss her money good-bye as there is no priest, no plane crash, NO PUPPY.
Now you have to ask this one question. How stupid was she to think she could purchase a puppy over the internet from Nigeria when everyone knows that this country host these kind of ripoffs?
Number three:
I guess some dudes went and had lunch at a local eating establishment and when done, they paid their bill and walked out. They even left a hugh tip of over 300% Not bad as that is the way it should happen right. When the waitress went to place the money away did she notice that it was Monopoly money. Then when the reviewed the video tape it was erased by accident. They do all agree that one of them had a white mustache and a top-hat.
Number 4:
Germantown woman found an unusual way to show affection - or was it dislike? - for police in Hartford.
Police said the woman, 31, had been standing outside of Hammerin' Hank's, 11 S. Main St., drunk, on Oct. 29. Two officers had been trying to talk the woman into calling a friend to take her home so that they wouldn't have to take her to a detox unit.
Instead, police say, she walked away, and as one officer tried to stop her, she put her finger in her nose and then wiped the goods on the officer's face.
The woman struggled as the officers tried to handcuff her. She was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.
Police say the same officers had dealt with the woman earlier in the night, at the Bank Shot tavern, when she tried to grab the groin of one of the officers and rubbed her breasts on an officer's arm.

My thoughts
Next is something that I noticed in the paper. It’s funny how a single picture will be taken and you think these weird thoughts. The picture was of 2 farmers with their water buffalo. It appeared that they where plowing the land as they had something harnessed to the buffalo thus the water buffalo is their tractor.. Both farmers where behind the rigs with the harnesses drapped over their shoulders. This is when I wondered this single thought.
What do these guys do when their tractor backfires?
Number one:
Guy was pulled over by the local police and he did stop 2 times only to pull away slowly. Finally they got the guy stopped and once the officer had the area secured he asked the following questions.
Sir have you been drinking?
Yes officer I have had a few.
Sir, when did you start drinking?
About 2 hours ago.
Sir, when did you stop drinking?
When you pulled me over.
He was taken to jail.
Number two:
If you haven’t heard, Nigeria is host to the biggest money scam operation in the world. Anyway a person went a purchased a puppy online to be told that the kind of dog she wanted were gone, but they knew of puppies located in Nigeria being sold by some priest.
She thanked the person for being helpful and contacted a priest in Nigeria as instructed. She then wired money to the priest to secure a puppy and pay for the shipping. When the puppy didn’t arrive she contacted the priest again only to be told that the puppy died in a plane crash and no more puppies would be coming. She contacted the local police only to be told that she could kiss her money good-bye as there is no priest, no plane crash, NO PUPPY.
Now you have to ask this one question. How stupid was she to think she could purchase a puppy over the internet from Nigeria when everyone knows that this country host these kind of ripoffs?
Number three:
I guess some dudes went and had lunch at a local eating establishment and when done, they paid their bill and walked out. They even left a hugh tip of over 300% Not bad as that is the way it should happen right. When the waitress went to place the money away did she notice that it was Monopoly money. Then when the reviewed the video tape it was erased by accident. They do all agree that one of them had a white mustache and a top-hat.
Number 4:
Germantown woman found an unusual way to show affection - or was it dislike? - for police in Hartford.
Police said the woman, 31, had been standing outside of Hammerin' Hank's, 11 S. Main St., drunk, on Oct. 29. Two officers had been trying to talk the woman into calling a friend to take her home so that they wouldn't have to take her to a detox unit.
Instead, police say, she walked away, and as one officer tried to stop her, she put her finger in her nose and then wiped the goods on the officer's face.
The woman struggled as the officers tried to handcuff her. She was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.
Police say the same officers had dealt with the woman earlier in the night, at the Bank Shot tavern, when she tried to grab the groin of one of the officers and rubbed her breasts on an officer's arm.

My thoughts
Next is something that I noticed in the paper. It’s funny how a single picture will be taken and you think these weird thoughts. The picture was of 2 farmers with their water buffalo. It appeared that they where plowing the land as they had something harnessed to the buffalo thus the water buffalo is their tractor.. Both farmers where behind the rigs with the harnesses drapped over their shoulders. This is when I wondered this single thought.
What do these guys do when their tractor backfires?