Still in the Mesa area:
We went shopping today for some books to complete a series that Sandy had started. Edie told us about a used book store and sure enough we found it. It was a big store and sold everything from books to cd/dvds and other stuff. Anyway Ruth purchased the last of the series, so she has something to read.
In the afternoon we took off to a old mining camp about 10 miles away. We had passed it the day I fell and hurt my knee so that day was canceled. I thought my knee was up to it, but when I got to the first wooden steps, I knew I was going to hang on to the rails and make sure I didn't fall again.
After strutting around the little town for awhile I felt like I belonged. I mean stop and think about it. I was hobbling thru a old western town just like Chester on Gunsmoke. All I had to do was get me a gun and holler out, “I'm a comin Mr. Dillion”
Also noticed that wehn people dies around here they didn't die with their boots on. Around here they use them as ceiling tiles.
We watched a gunfight which was fun and then we went on about our way. Ruth went to use the privy, but it was busy. Take a close look at the inside!
Later on I had her get into a railroad car and had her run out of town on a rail. I even have the pictures to prove it.