Addition to the Grandkids playhouse

Hi all:

After bringing the playhouse home, it has been used very little. It sits in the backyard lonely and forgotten except for when little kids arrive.

In fact when our friends from Wisconsin spent the weekend with us, their children had a heyday in it. It reminded me of our grandchildren when it was first built as I had to eat many tasty but imaginary treats baked inside that little hut.

One night as I was sitting out back looking it over, I decided what the play-house needed was to add another building. We talked about a garage but I didn't want my little car to sit out there alone.

As the wheels churned thinking about what the playhouse needed it came to me.

No toilet was ever installed!

Yes what the play house needed was an outhouse sitting next to it. I started to research plans for a sophisticated outhouse that would fit the style but nothing could be found or felt right. Then I stumbled onto the perfect build project.

Keep this in mind. The Presidential race has begun in IOWA and already I am tired of all the ads/news releases. They claim they will make my life better with out taking any more money from my bank account. I think it is a lot of bull of course so here is a picture of a prototype.

So if you wish to see my plans of what I will build CLICK HERE.

Kinda fitting right?


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