Air Conditioning is making the world unfriendly
Went for a drive today or should I state I went looking for someone to install our camper hitch in the new truck. After talking with the experts at 2 locations, I decided to go ahead and purchase a new one as I didn't have all the parts for the old one anymore. I guess there were parts located on the underside of my old truck that I should have taken off. Anyway, I was looking at spending more money then I wanted to, so I just sold a dealer my old one and purchased a new one.
Because it was a nice day and I hadn't driven around looking at the crops for awhile, I spent the time meandering around the country-side. Going from point A to point B is more enjoyable if you don't take the same path all the time.
While driving I noticed people don't wave to each other anymore or at least it seems like it. Wave after wave was done, but less then 30% waved back. As I pondered the issue, I finally realized this. It's not the people, but it's the air conditioner in the cars.
We have all become accustomed to driving our vehicles with air on, that the first thing we do is roll up the windows, buckle our belts, change the channel on the radio, and adjust the air conditioner to our personal taste. Net is-- we have built our own little womb for the lack of anything better said.
We then drive off to our destination with no thought process other then getting to point B. We no longer drive with our arm resting on the window channel, and when someone approaches automatically lift your hand or at least your index finger and wave it back and forth.
Those days seem to be gone. We now fly by each other in hopes that we don't get hit, nor hit someone.
Of course as I was thinking about this, my thoughts were back to the 60's. All those trips between farms as we planted or harvested the crops. Driving slowly towards point A or B and never not give the farmer wave. In fact, what I remember was a magic distance between the 2 vehicles, Each driver would automatically raise their hand at that magical distance and wave.
A smile and a wave was all it would take, to take your mind off your troubles. You would find yourself smiling for the next mile or two. Nothing else on your mind, but that someone had waved back.
With all that in mind, I rolled down my window, laid my arm on the window railing and thought to myself that I was going to get someone to wave back. BUT what I found out was this. The truck was now designed to make that process uncomfortable for me, so after just ½ mile, I pulled my arm back inside my personal womb and rolled up the window.
So much for going back to the 60's and making someones day more enjoyable.
Bye bye