Barney works in IOWA
Noticed skid marks on the highway just north of us yesterday morning. I looked lie a semi had adverted something because there was no litter on the highway. Yet when I was coming home I noticed a highway patrolman slowly moving along the shoulder looking for something.
I was still outside with Ruth when we heard a gunshot. I told Ruth what I had witness and that he must have been looking for an injured deer or maybe they were sneaking up on a meth-lab located in the hog confinement building because at times that building sure does produce some methane.
5 minutes or so go by then we heard another shot, then another. As we pondered what was going on, I finally concluded that the patrolman had found an injured deer and was putting it out of it's misery.
Of course my question is this. Why was there 3 shots? Was the deer on the move after being hit by a semi? I can only conclude that Barney of Mayberry is alive and well in IOWA.
A 500lb man was told by his doctor to get some activity, so he decides to go tubing in the St. Croix river located in Wis. The tube deflated while he was tubing and it took 12 hours for the COAST GUARD and others to get him to shore.
My question is this.
Would it not have been better to leave him there as Jay Leno stated and use him as a DAM for flood control?
Point to ponder
Since bread is square, then why is some sandwich meat round?