Turbo Charged Grass Seed

I received an email yesterday that was titled Turbo Charged Grass Seed and it struck my fancy. With the cost of fuel now days, why in the world would I want to “TURBO CHARGE” my grass.

I mean it's bad enough that you have to mow the lawn, but I figured it out one day. It cost me $12.00 to $15.00 dollars to mow my lawn now. If I turbo it then I would be spending that much more just to stay ahead.

Net is I didn't open the email, nor am I going to order the grass. I look out the window now at that nice brown stuff, and think, -- Thats just the way I want to see it!

Anyway, I have to tell ya that Ruth's sister was over last nite and we all had a great time. She came because we were having SOUP and they both like the way it is made. I, on the other hand will eat it, but I have to butter it up for flavor. Anyway they like it and they did have fun chit chatting.

Needless to say, we then went out to the deck for while. Of course they had been drinking some Root-Beer flavor drink that had a little booze in it. To say that is a bad omen with those two is an understatement and something was going to happen.

Later they decide to take the golf cart and and go cruising. Along the way they also decide to put the horses back into their smaller locked area for the night. Rather then walk all the way back, they let down the gate and drove the cart into the area. This time they made sure they put the gate back up.

Now they are in the same area as the horses, but one is outside of the holding area, and the other is inside. Thus, the wise ones decide to drive fast down to the other end, then turn around and race back. Before long not only are the 2 enlightened women racing around a yard, but they now have 2 horses kicking up their heels/hoofs and racing alongside. I have to admit that the horses can turn faster then 2 women in a golf cart Of course the 2 horses didn't have drinks in their hands either.

I soon left my observation post and went into the house. I figured if the horse jumped the fence, I didn't want to see it. I also didn't want to be around if the women fell out of the cart.


After receiving an email about the post-office process, I went back and looked at the card and how it was addressed. Sure enough, the card did have the wrong address on it. The sign out front may state Owl St. but if you goggle the post-office address for us, it will come back as Owl Ave. It also was made out to Grandpa G.

So I guess I could understand there was an issue, but then why would it go to Grafton first. And why did it take so long for that cup of coffee! (grin).



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