Figured out how to heat the home this winter for nothing!

Have you ever watched the Presidential debates for a full 90 minutes. I did this last Sunday and man can the Democrats make it seem like 180 minutes. I watched, I listened, I absorbed, and I processed all the answers that they gave. And what I came up with was this. Watching Green Acres has more insight when Farmer Oliver talks about government and rights then these guys.

It was obvious that a few male-candidates were ganging up on hilarious Hillary, and attempting to put her in her place. In my mind it didn't work. Instead it showed they were scared and needed to bully her and her position on things.

It was a total waste of time because Hillary Clinton has no position. That is unless she checks in with lobbyist who have their hands out with skirt pockets full of money. If you haven't figured it out yet, I will tell ya a little secret. Even Michael Moore (Sicko movie producer) has turned against her because of her lobbyist associations. If Mike is against ya, then your campaign is dead..

So back to my way of heating the house.

About two weeks ago, I was watching TV and they got around to renewable energy. I guess this guy's father had purchased a lot of WWII steam generators that became surplus after the war. They had been built for the war ships but were never needed. They didn't go into great detail about the generators except they were low-pressure style if that means anything.

Because of rising cost and the need for more electrical generations, the WWII systems are now being pressed into work. What the company has figured out, is they can adapt these units and use the earths thermal activity to generate steam, thus turn these low-pressure war surplus generators into working units. It kinda make you think about turning a sword into a plow share right!

Here we have hardware that could have been deemed “Tools for Weapons of Mass-Destruction” and now they are churning out electrical power, just we can sit back and watch morons talk into a TV camera.

So now, both shows have been processed mentally and I was sitting there paying our power bill. Then it occurred to me, that if we redesigned these turbines a little more. We could hook them up to each presidential candidate and let all that hot air generate electrical power. At least then they would be doing something useful!

Another world class problem taken care of!


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