Bipolar disorder is a lot of bunk!

Was reading the paper today and went looking for the same article on-line but could not locate it. In fact I could not remember which paper I was reading at the time, so that made it even more difficult.

One topic was about the sudden and dramatic rise in Bipolar disorder among children. Doctors were alarmed at the sudden rise in the above mentioned disorder. It seems that more and more children are being diagnosed with it and more bills are given to them to settle them down. Of course some of us think it is just that parents don't want to parent them, thus drugging the little one is the next best thing.

You have to wonder why children are just now getting out of control. Is it the early morning cartoons? Is it the late afternoon cartoons? Is it the all day channels with nothing but cartoons? Is it all of the above?

What you notice above is I targeted TV as the replacement of mom or dad. By turning on the tube in the morning, and setting the 3 year old in front of it, is now the standard of living for most children. And what they are watching is were your Bipolar child is being trained. Have you ever watched any of these latest and greatest cartoons. I mean where is the reality in a sponge with pants!

At least when I was a kid, we had Popeye and Pluto smakin each other around, but they at least were human in form and what was being taught was good versus evil

I watch this Spongy-panted show and have never figured out what they are trying to get across. Thus the child gets some kind of morbid idea that life is in the ocean and that things go better with squid. After that they pick up their game-boy and shot some people/ not hoops.

So you see, I have figured out why Bi-polar disorders are on the rise with small ones. It's in the TV cartoons, not the genes.


My mother had the best method for fixing any Bipolar disorder that cropped up in our family. It was called the pitch-fork disorder remedy.

If at any time we stepped to far out of line or we became unruly, we were given the remedy. We were handed a pitch-fork and told to clean the barn pens or manure gutter. We had to swallow that pill and about on hour or two we had absorbed enough “of the pill” that Biplolar disorder was a none issue.

Maybe we should sell pitch-forks during cartoons.



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