Football and bathtubs don't mix!
Have to tell ya a story about what went on in our bathroom the other day. Keep your mind out of the gutter people, as it ain't what ya think.
Anyway I decided to take a shower the other night around 8pm. Seems like nothing on TV except football or people who were talking about football. Don't get me wrong I like watching some games, but this is early in the season thus it's anyones' ball game.
I head off to the shower and get everything ready. Water is warming up, so I get the hand towels and big towel in their place so-as I don't slop water all over the floor. Once everything is in place of course I step in and start the scrub-down.
Now everything is going as planned. Water is just right, and soap bar is in hand. I'm scrubbing down when all of a sudden that darn soap-bar pops out of my hand. I grab at it with the other. And it jumps again. It jumps and jumps all the time using the shower curtain to it's advantage. This goes on for about 6 or 7 hand changes and I'm truly thinking this is just like a fumble in a football game and everyones after the game ball. The only trouble is I'm the only one on the field.
Like I stated, there were many changes of hands when I finally grabbed the little guy and I squeezed to hold on to him. Then the soap bar decided to part company right then and there. It broke in two, with the top half shooting up towards the ceiling and over the shower curtain.Even before it hit, I thought “man that is going to make a mess on that clean floor and I would have to answer that inevitable question.
You all know that question. It is either ”How come you leave all the water on the outside?” or “Can't you clean up after yourself?” I just knew that the soap bar would shatter in a million pieces when it hit.
But I didn't have to worry about that cause about that time the second half, which was going in the other direction and having assistance of gravity, hit the top of my foot! BANG !!!
It startled me back to reality and all I could think of was “Touch-Down with the Extra Point”.
Game over.