Its Sunday and the Aliens are back

Made a comment abut no crops being taken out earlier this week and word must of gotten back to the Aliens. Today I watched two huge Alien machines glide across a bean field and devour everything in it's path. Working alongside was a sidecar hover craft whose lone job was to transport the harvest'd crop to 2 more huge road-hovers. These units would hover out of sight, soon to return without the beans. They must have been taken the soybeans to the mother-ship I guess.

Anyway a short update on Sister Diane.

She came out to our house late Thursday and has been with with us. Her routine is sleep, and take pain pills, sleep and take pain pills. When the pills are working she is sitting in our recliner and either watching the aliens work, or sleeping. She is puffing on her blowpipe in attempts to get the little blue ball to rise, but it is not doing it fast enough for her.

Kidding aside. She is doing real good. I am surprised at how much better she gets everyday, so I expect her to start giving Ruth orders any day now. She takes her walks like she should and takes Ruth's help and input even with a smile from time to time. It evens sounds like her nerves at the stitches are coming alive again so that should be fun to watch.

keep ya posted

Later all:


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