Diebold optical-scan voting systems chips are lost on their way.

Ok! I'm not going to make a big deal out of this, but then again what in the world is going on here! Processing chips for voting machines are lost and/or mishandled while in transit! Now I'm not a conspiracy follower but are we, "the voters" going to allow mathematical chips to float around in a back of trucks with no security process.

Read this article and make your own decisions, but with my background in IT, I would never use a system were this could happen without a paper-trail process behind it. Hanging-Chads or No-hanging chads at least it was a paper backed process. The article states these are for optical-scanning, but keep this in mind.

Could someone change the code in the back of a shipping truck and reseal the container. Of course they could and then the outcome of a paper system has been modified. Lets go back to just paper and a number two pencil. Then hand it over to the little silver-haired lady who just baked those wonderful cookies. At least I trust her to count right as her cookies always had 13 chips on each cookie. ( or was that the keebler elf? )

Vote for me in 2008. At least I can pick up the crumbs after the last guy.


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