Glad it's over ain't you
The wise-guys and girl have left our state now and have started to badger New Hampshire. I sure hope the people over there don't hate us for sending them.
Personally I'm glad it's over. Never before have I felt a need to reach into a TV and just slap them all. They all want to hold my hand and tell me that they will take care of me, but I know better. What they really want is to have 4 years of pampering as they rent out the rooms for sleep overs. Keep this in mind if Billiary stays in the race as her hubby has rented rooms before.(If you know what I mean)
Anyway now that their gone, I can get back to listening to that poor women who has fibromyalgia. Its a medical problem that makes her hands hurt and her feet swell. So she takes a drug that will make her mouth dry and strokes possible. She tugs at my heart so bad, that I have started to talk to her hoping that she can hear me and change her ways. If you don't believe me, then just ask my wife! I want this poor poor women to get better so I don't have to watch her pain. Of course if I could reach into that TV, she would have another pain to complain about as I would slap her up along-side the head.
Last and not least, I wanted to let everyone see how pretty things can get here. Awhile back we had a really dense frost. So heavy was the frost that at first I thought it had snowed overnight. But instead, all the trees were coated up to 3 inches of frost. It was cool and makes you feel real small when you see how well Mother-Nature can paint.