I'm back and not sure why!

Sorry for being off the air for so long but I am standing behind the statement that I have been busy. As you all can attest, when the turkey is about to lose it's head, then busy is the name of the game. Now that the turkey is eaten, and Santa is back home, I can now get back to thinking out loud.

I hope all have had the best holiday season you possible could have. I did! In fact right now I have a little monkey on my back because of someone. They have to watch out cause pay-back can be so much fun!

Anyway, during the holiday season, everyone seemed to ask if we were going south again. Ruthy and I decided early this fall not to, as we need to save up and finish the kitchen. We parked the trailer inside this year and now there are things parked around it that make removal next to impossible.

Just after Thanksgiving, Mother-Nature decided to send ice in. We received all kinds of weather for 2 days but the final outcome was about 2 inches of ice on the driveway. I chuckled when I saw the neighbor out shoveling the last night it fell. Little did I realize that he was the smart one and was out removing the slush before it hardened. Ever since that day I have had 4 ft wide patch of solid ice just outside of the garage. Along with that we have another 4ft wide patch at the end of the driveway. Over time Mother-Nature has polished it so I have to use a cane to stay upright if I want to go get the mail. She has a sick sense of humor!

Mother-Nature must have talked with OLD-MAN-Winter over the holidays cause during the new year celebration they came along and blew snow off the fields and deposited it on my driveway. Or I should say ice-way.

On top of that they both decided to put a crust on the snow that is so hard, you think you are walking on ice. In fact neither the truck nor the car have broken through the snow. We just drive over it.

So today it warms a little and I go out to snow-blow the hard-pack away. I'm not sure why I thought that was a good idea, but I am sure Mother-Nature and Old-Man-Winter were watching. In fact, once I heard that famous phrase, “HEH everyone, Watch this”.

The Snow-Blower did it's best but all that happened was the wheels spun on the ice and when they did grip, the blower just slide over the snow-pack. After just a few minutes of doing this, I decide it was best to get off the ice before I broke a hip. I walked the blower back its parking area, went inside to warm up with a cup of coffee, and am looking at the kitchen cabinets.

Right now the cabinets look pretty good to me and I think the 5th-wheel can be dug out.


Footnote to Al Gore!

What global warming are you talking about! You in Florida again!


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