Mother Nature blew herself out.

As stated yesterday was a good day to stay indoors. In fact I had my dental appointment canceled as it was to dangerous to go uptown. So I guess praying to the dental goddess worked that I needed an excuse to not go. To bad she re-booked it for today.

The weather man states we got around 2 inches of snow during the blow. I'm not sure how he measured it as all I saw was snow blowing straight with the ground, so I guess he had a better method.

Anyway I watched snow blow and pile onto the drive again. For 5 hours or more it piled on. Then around 2pm I noticed something strange. The wind was still blowing, the snow was still moving,but the sun was attempting to come through. 2 hours later all the snow was out of the drive and the drive was scrubbed as if you had hosed it down.

This morning you look out and the yard was polished also. What snow is left is polished to a high sheen. In fact the snow in front has pot holes and such, that it actually reminds me of the lunar moonscape. No fluffy snow is to be seen anywhere so I am guessing it should be interestingly piled along windbreaks and snow fences. To bad it's 6 below or I would go out and play.

So here is something to ponder as this is what I saw.

Local weather man was viewed standing outside in this storm with a large 12 or 14 inch round temp-gauge. When the local news station switched to him he was standing there attempting to hold the gauge steady, but he was banging his left hand against his head.

So my question is this,

  • Was he attempting to adjust his ear piece?

  • Was he adjusting his stocking hat?

  • Was he knocking the ice off his nose?

  • Was he thinking “what a lousy job I have and that he was going to start looking for a new one?

We will never know as they went right back to the guys inside and never came back to him.

Cute Coke commercial that you will not see in the US!


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