Older and wiser

Well today is my birthday and I guess I should come up with some words of wisdom. At 56 I have seen a lot and I have done a lot. With all that wisdom behind me, I should be able to crank this out with out any problem.
But we are in MPLS today because my sister in-law invited us up. Of course during the night it will get to -15 potentially. That should question my wisdom right now.
But here comes the kicker. Tomorrow we are going to a Monster Truck show in MPLS. I'm told this will be fun, but I'm questioning going out in that kind of temp to see big trucks jump in the air.
So I guess I'm regressing in age instead.
I'd write more, but the laptop is getting further away and my eyesight isn't getting better.
And for my youngest grandchild I have a pic for her. Thinking of ya --- payback is fun!
