What would Jesus watch?
By now most people have prepped themselves for Sundays Super-Bowl game. You've gone out and purchased your chips and salsa. You've chilled down your drink of choice. You've cleaned the house for the most part and you've lined up all your chairs.
This is so you have great seating for your friends who are coming over and as you surveyed the viewing room, you decide to go out and get that “brand new”, “state of the art”, “flat panel”, “supersized” ,“56 inch”, “high-def” TV.
The unit is delivered and set up. Your friends start to arrive and as they taste the snacks, they sip your beer, and they all state how lucky they are that you purchased such a nice TV set for all to watch the great Super Bowl ads. Then there is a knock on the door, just minutes before the 1st ad.
You excuse yourself and go to the door. Three men are standing outside and hand you a "cease and desist" order! You ask for any ID they may have and all 3 pull out badges. One is from the NFC, one is from the AFC and one represents all other dorks.
The order states that you must inform your customers to not watch the ball game ( your friends in this case ) and/or you must turn off the TV until the NFL Super-Bowl is over and in the wrapper.
You immediately ask what the he!! are you talking about!
That is when they show you the fine print written into the “cease and desist” order. There in black and white legalese is a statement stating you can not have people outside your immediate family watching the game on a TV that is more then a 54 inch screen.
You look around at the newly installed TV. Then you look at your friends and all that salsa. They are just as amazed as you are, but then you reread the order.
That's when you think this.
It's Sunday afternoon, and you have been to church that morning. You listened to the sermon and it was a good one. It was all about that famous question “What would Jesus do?”
You look at all the food that has been prepped. You look at how nice the room looks with the new TV. You look at all your friends. That saying goes through your mind again, “What would Jesus do?” ,“What would Jesus do?” .
Would he turn off the TV? Would he take the TV back and get a smaller one?
NO, He would do the right thing and TELL THOSE PEOPLE TO LEAVE!
So as your friends file out of the TV room and get back into their cars, their hopes of watching the game on a new “56 inch” “flat panel” screen are dashed.
The NFL guardians of the copyright laws shake your hand and thank you for abiding to their wishes. They get into their car and go racing off to find another victim, in hopes of shutting them down.
You go back to your lazyboy and recline. You look around at all the empty chairs and think--
WOW, What would Jesus do!
Who's going to get me a cold one and bring me some chips cause I sure like that 56 inch screen and can't miss those ads.
If you think this can't happen then click here.
( By the way the NFL has request access to all sales of large screen TV's )