If your about to buy a plane ticket you had better watch this.

If you have ever flown in a commercial flight, then you have had a close encounter with your maker. As any pilot would tell you, the most dangerous part of any flight is takeoffs and landings. Once in the air most commercial flights are placed on autopilot and both pilot and copilot go about watching and monitoring systems to ensure your safe arrival to a point you have chosen. Or at least you hope.

Click here and watch a landing that didn't go as planned, but to the credit and skill of both pilots in the front, there was no crash. I have to believe a few people had to clean out their pants after this on.

As a foot note, I was on a flight that had a similar landing, but we did make it down. In my case we were landing at our local airport but I was warned at boarding that we were landing at the pilots discretion. If your are ever told this at boarding, I advise you to walk away and get on a bus because if you have a pilot who is gutsy, then what you see in the video, is what may happen.

In my case we were landing in a snowstorm/blizzard and as we got closer to mother earth, I realized we were NOT flying straight in. We were flying sideways so that he had lift for the plane. Then we landed on one wheel and continued down the runway. What seemed like a long time, I finally felt the nose wheel touch down and then the third wheel. By the time we stopped and turned around, the wing passed over the warning fence at the far end.

In other words we had used up 101% of the landing. So click on the link and watch a very interesting attempt to land. They had an estimated 150 MPH gust of wind hit them broadside at approach time. I tip my hat to them for controlling it enough for the go around.


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