Easy-Come Easy-Go!!

Have ya heard. The stock market is swinging wild this week. I check into my accounts every so often just to see the numbers come and go. I think I'll give it up for now as I'm tired of the swings. Plus while I was at coffee this morning 4 elderly guys showed up and sat within ear range. All of them over 65 for sure and here is what they were doing.

They dialed their stock broker via a cell phone and then held it in the middle of them. From there they discussed buying and pushing and puts. I guess some of that must mean something to real stock traders. What was interesting was the fact they did this at Micky-D's of all places. I guess if things were going bad for them, they figured they could have a dollar meal and end it all cause there isn't any tall buildings for them to jump from.

Footnote on Micky-D's. I found out this week that the manager is related to us via marriage. Now everyone has to figure out who that would be. It's a small world after all.

For some of you who want to know how Ruth is doing, well she is back on her feet. She was doing pretty good until she went to get into the camper and stepped on a wrench I had tucked to the side. She twisted her ankle again so she limps to the left. Other then that she is doing pretty good.


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