ACORN and the Issues of voting!

I read another article about the issues with the upcoming election and how the left wing liberal group called ACORN. So far this group of ACORN heads have signed up 1.2 million voters in multiple states. Their so good that in Florida they even have located the real Micky Mouse and have him registered.  I tip my hat to them cause this is the 1st time Micky has register to vote, so this got me thinking while I was sipping coffee.

Why waste all this time and effort when other countries have a simple yet easily-verifiable method. Just think back to the first Irag vote and how they monitored it. When a person in Irag came in to vote, they had to dip their index finger in blue stain that was not easily removed.

I conclude we follow this method and do away with having to register to vote. This eliminates the following issues we now have.

  1. It is non-racist by method: Every person would be allowed one vote. Of course we would need to use a color other then the following.
    1. White (No explanation needed)
    2. Black (No explanation needed)
    3. Brown ( Philippine,.Mexican, Hawaiian, and all Californian's)
    4. Yellow (Japanese background)
    5. Red (Chinese background)
  2. It is easily verifiable:
    1. Index finger on right hand is primary choice
    2. Index finger on left hand is secondary choice
    3. If both hands are missing, then ink dot is placed on forehead of voter. (Most H1B workers use black so that is another reason a different color choice is required.)
    4. If above 3 choices are not available, then it is obvious that the voter is a brain damaged Democrat thus any assistant can fill out the form, as they only vote straight line.

So the only thing left is to figure out what color we use.

I'm leaning towards Green. The reason is, it is a simple solution and you should all be GREEN WITH ENVY THAT I DID come up with it!


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