It was bound to happen.

I was having coffee today when Ruth showed up. First she complained she had to drive my truck to town and get me but thats not the story.

She had received a phone call today from a support center and they asked if I had time to swap out a router at the local Wal-Mart.  A router is a device that translates computer data and allows computers to talk to each other. In other words it routes computer traffic. If you have a computer in your house and it talks to the internet, the data is being passed from one router to another until it gets to the final designation.

Now I have to tell ya, I was a little puzzled why someone associated with Wal-Mart would contact me so I asked. The gal stated she used the internet to find local technical companies. I guess having a small company sometimes helps. Anyway by the time I received the info, they had found another support person and I was no longer needed.

Funny how things work --- Right.


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